Author Archives: Ken

Stewardship Education vs. Fund Raising

As readers of the Communiqué  know, there is a vast difference between stewardship education and fund raising. “Effective Stewardship: Building on Biblical Principles” is the former, i.e., it is designed to provide a systematic program of stewardship education and training. … Read More

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Readers of the Communiqué probably know that the “Effective Stewardship” program does not emphasize tithing. In fact, tithing is not mentioned until Month #20 in the program and once more in Month #30. If a church or pastor only … Read More

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Doin’ and Gettin’

Zig Ziglar is a well-known, first-class motivational speaker who is one of my favorites. I always benefit from listening to him or reading his books. I especially appreciate his consistent Christian testimony and the way he weaves scriptural principles into … Read More

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Tenant Farmers With a Short-term Lease

Each year near the end of October, the music ministry of our church sponsors “Keyboard Praise,” a program featuring ten grand pianos and the organ. Selections include everything from Southern Gospel to classical literature. There is something on the program … Read More

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Grace Giving

In the adult class I teach in my church, I’ve been dealing with the theme of “grace” for several weeks. Not only is our salvation given to us by grace through faith, but all that we are and have is … Read More

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A Church Can Operate Without Funds (Or Can It?)

A church sent this announcement to its membership:

We have discovered a way for our church to function without money. Will you cooperate?

Each member will come to services dressed warmly enough to eliminate any necessity for heating the building.

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Effective Stewardship What?

Communiqué is a simple but relatively unknown word. It is a noun which means “to communicate or announce.” This publication from KLW Enterprises is designed to communicate and announce various aspects of the program known as “Effective Stewardship: Building on … Read More

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Fall Campaigns

Many churches have an annual financial emphasis known as a “Fall Campaign,” although some may occur in the spring. Through this means, a church attempts to underwrite the budget for the coming year. Usually, this is done by asking members … Read More

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What to Expect

Regularly, I am asked the question, “What type of results should we expect from the ‘Effective Stewardship’ program?” That question, or a variation of it, is usually asked by Finance Committees, Church Councils, Stewardship Boards, or similar groups as they … Read More

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God Owns It All

The “Effective Stewardship” program is based on a simple principle found in Psalm 24:1 — “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” In other words, God owns it all. According … Read More

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