In 1991, Ken Williams created the “Effective Stewardship” program to solve a financial problem in his church. It has since grown to where over 5,000 churches in all fifty states and Canada are benefiting from it and KLW Enterprise’s Fall Campaigns. Although the Fall Campaigns emphasize the time, talents and treasure aspects of total stewardship, the primary thrust of the year-round “Effective Stewardship” program is financial.
A few years ago, Ken was talking with a pastor who said, “My church can always use more money, but my problem is that I can”t get anybody to do anything.” Ken asked, “Is it the 80/20 rule, whereby 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work?” The pastor’s response was, “No, it”s more like 5 percent of the people do 95% of the work. I just can’t get anybody to do anything!”
That conversation was the impetus for Ken to create a new two-year program emphasizing the time and talents aspects of total stewardship.
This program, “Effective Stewardship – Time and Talents,” follows the same format as the regular “Effective Stewardship” program.
- Each month a box appears in the bulletin with that month’s principle and a Bible verse. (Materials are available in the same Scripture versions as the “Effective Stewardship” program.)
- Once a month in the worship service, a lay speaker gives an oral presentation lasting three to four minutes dealing with that month’s principle.
- Once a month, a newsletter article (or bulletin insert) provides another perspective on that month’s principle.
- Once a month, Sunday school teachers and youth workers present some questions to their students designed to stimulate both discussion at home and active participation by older children, teenagers and adults in Christian service, especially in their church.
This program considers time and talents from a number of different aspects, including:
- why we should use our time and talents in serving the Lord, especially in the church
- how we can invest our time in that which counts for eternity
- the most important aspect of serving the Lord
- how we can make serving the Lord in the church a priority in our lives
- how using our time and talents to serve the Lord is just as important as using our finances
- what it means to be content
- serving the Lord wholeheartedly
- serving the Lord out of love
- the importance of asking God to provide a place of service and our response
- how God is the Source of talents
- how God gives spiritual gifts as means of service
- the importance of encouraging others in their Christian service
- the calling and reward of those who work behind the scenes
- how to solve labor shortages in the church
- trusting God to empower us in all that we do
- serving the Lord in spite of past hurts and disappointments
This program seeks over 24 months to do for the “time” and “talent” aspects of total stewardship what the regular “Effective Stewardship” program does for the “treasure” aspect of total stewardship over 48 months.
This program is available only as a full two-year program. Unlike the regular “Effective Stewardship” program, it does not offer the right of cancellation on thirty days’ notice. Here’s why: We are offering this program primarily to churches which are familiar with our work and ministry. Most churches which use this new program will have already experienced the benefits, blessings, and results of the regular “Effective Stewardship” program. However, we are making the program available to churches which have not used the regular “Effective Stewardship” program.
The materials for two years will be sent as one package. The materials will not be dated in order to provide for maximum flexibility in their usage.
As with the regular “Effective Stewardship” program, the costs are based on a church’s average weekend attendance (including children).
- Attendance of less than 200 – $40 per month
- Attendance of 201-500 – $70 per month
- Attendance of 501-1,000 – $125 per month
- Attendance over 1,000 – $230 per month
Even though we will send all of the materials as one package, we offer three different ways to pay for the program:
1. Monthly. An invoice for the appropriate amount will be sent monthly to the church. The first invoice will be sent after the materials are sent. Once received by a church, the materials are not returnable. KLW is trusting each church to remit 24 payments upon receipt of monthly invoices.
2. One payment is made at the time the church signs up for the program. In this case, the above monthly prices are discounted by 15%:
- Attendance of less than 200 – $815 (saves $145)
- Attendance of 201-500 – $1,425 (saves $255)
- Attendance of 501-1,000 – $2,550 (saves $450)
- Attendance over 1,000 – $4,690 (saves $830)
3. Three payments. One payment of approximately 60% of the total amount due is made at the time the church signs up for the program. A second payment of 20% is made 60 days later. A third payment of 20% is made 30 days later. No interest is charged, and this plan also qualifies for a 15% discount. The specific amounts of the three payments are set forth in the Questionnaire.
During the two-year period in which the church uses this program, it will be eligible to purchase our annual stewardship campaign (which can be used in the fall or spring) at the special reduced rate of twice the normal monthly charge described above. (This represents a significant savings over the amount charged to a church which only purchases the campaign.)
What does a church need to do in order to participate in this new program, “Effective Stewardship – Time and Talents”?
- Contact us via e-mail (
- Call our toll-free number (800/805-8702) and ask us to send an Agreement and Questionnaire for the new Time and Talents Program.
- On this web site, click on “Request Sample Materials.” In the “Comments” section, indicate that you desire an Agreement and Questionnaire for the Time and Talents Program. (Please list your church’s average weekend attendance — including children — with your request.)
If you have questions about this new program, please feel free to contact KLW Enterprises.