Effective Stewardship

Reading and Listening

Ken Williams

The “Effective Stewardship” program consists of four parts: A bulletin “box,” a Lay Speaker Presentation, a Discussion Sheet for Sunday School Classes and Youth Groups, and a Newsletter Article. Why is such an emphasis placed on both the printed page and on oral presentations?

People learn differently. Some learn at one rate of speed, while others may be slower or faster in their ability to comprehend and retain information. But more importantly, people learn primarily through one of two media. Some learn better through seeing things in print; others learn better through hearing.

For example, I learn better by reading. I suppose that goes back to my childhood when I memorized large portions of Scripture. In the process, I found that I could recall what I had seen on the printed page. That skill served me especially well in college, and it has been of great assistance in business as well. Thus, if given a choice as to whether to receive something in writing or to have it given to me verbally, I will always choose the former.

The Minister of Music in our church is just the opposite. He has a remarkable ability to retain what is communicated to him verbally, but he does not do nearly as well concerning things in print (unless, of course, it has to do with musical scores!).

The point is that people learn differently. That’s why when I created the “Effective Stewardship” program, I sought to utilize both the printed page and verbal communications as the means of conveying the program.

Is it possible to eliminate either the Lay Speaker Presentation or the Newsletter Article? Certainly, that is possible, but it significantly weakens the overall impact of the “Effective Stewardship” program. Both reading and listening are important skills, and both are needed to achieve the maximum benefit of this or any other program.

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