Sample Materials Requests
In order to request samples online, you must have cookies enabled on your browser.
To enable cookies in Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Explorer
- Go to Tools -> Internet Options
- Click on the Security tab
- Click on the Custom Level button.
- Under the Cookies -> Allow cookies that are stored on your computer section on the security settings window, make sure that enable is selected.
- Under the Cookies -> Allow per-session cookies (not stored) on your computer section on the security settings window, make sure that enable is selected.
- Click OK
- Click OK
If you have enabled cookies and are still redirected to the request confirmation page, then refresh the page.
If you have enabled cookies, refreshed the request page, and are still unable to see the request form, please email, with the following information:
- Subject of Sample Materials Request
- Name
- Church Name
- Pastors Name
- Address
- City, State, Zip
- Phone Number
- How you heard about KLW Enterprises
- Any comments you would like to leave with us.
For more information on Cookies, please visit:
If you run into any problems, please email: